Team of 2: 3 rounds of:
3 minutes amrap of Prowler-Pull / Burpees
Person 1 is pulling the prowler / Person 2 is doing amrap Burpees / change after 1 track of pulling
1 minute break
3 minutes amrap of Deadlift / Box-jumps
Person 1 is doing 10 reps Deadlifts M100kg/W70kg / Person 2 is doing amrap Box-jumps M24inch/W20inch / Change after 10 reps Deadlifts
1 minute break
3 minutes amrap of Devils Press / Battlerope
Person 1 is doing 10 reps Devil Press M22,5kg/W15kg / Person 2 is doing amrap Battlerope / Change after 10 reps Devil Press