Team of 2:
6 minutes amrap of:
Prowler Pulls and DB Snatches (Partner 1 does 1 track Prowler Pull while Partner 2 does
amrap DB Snatches M22,5kg/W15kg / then change)
2 minutes break
6 minutes amrap of:
Deadlifts and Bar-hold M60Kg/W40Kg (Partner 1 does 10 Deadlifts while Partner 2 holds the
bar at the hip. Then Change. When one person drops the bar do 10 synchron Burpees.)
2 minutes break
6 minutes amrap of:
Calories Bike and Slam-Balls (Partner 1 does M12calories/W10calories Bike while Partner 2
does amrap Slam-Balls. Change after the calories Bike)
2 minutes break
6 minutes amrap of:
Double-unders and Ring rows (Partner 1 does 30 Double-unders while Partner 2 does amrap
Ring rows. Change after the 30 DUs.)