Tagestraining 19.09.2015

A) For time: 21-15-9: Strict Pull Ups – Strict HSPU –Squat Cleans (60/40kg)
B) 2RFT: 50m OH Walking Lunges (20/10kg) – 25 Toes To Bar
C) AMRAP 7: 40m Shuttle Run – 25 Double Unders – 5 Deadlifts (100/65kg)


“Fran” For time: 21-15-9: Thrusters (42,5/30kg) – Pull Ups


A) Planche / Dragon Flag / Hollow
B) AMRAP 6: 30 sec Top of Pull Up Hold – Max Strict HSPU
C) AMRAP 6: 10 Ring Rows – 10 Deficit Push Ups

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