Tagestraining 08.11.2014
– Reißen aus erhöhter Position
– Züge breit
Suffering Saturday:
Begin at 0:00
For time:
- 100 Double-unders
- 80 Wall ball shots 20/14
- 60 push-ups
- 400m run
- 20 HSPU
- 10 Power cleans 185/125
- 5 Muscle-ups
Begin at 30:00
3 rounds:
- 10 front squats 185/125 (no rack)
- 20 chest to bar pull-ups
- 50 double-unders
Begin at 50:00
For time:
- 100 overhead squats 95/65
*every minute on the minute perform 5 Burpees
Muscle-up practice
5-4-3-2-1 rope climbs mit
20-16-12-8-4 alternating Pistols