Thanks to CrossFit Invictus for this really nice Training
EMOM 6 with 5 reps of Squat-Cleans (M60Kg/W45Kg)
3 Sets of max reps Shoulder to Overhead (M60Kg/W45Kg)
Rest 2 minutes between Sets
4 minutes amrap of
10 C2B-Pull-ups
10 Ring-Dips
Rest exactly 3 minutes and then
4 minutes amrap of
20 Wall-Ball-Shots (M9Kg/W6Kg)
10 Toes to Bar
Best Scores:
Männer: Jose mit C:100 reps und D:84 reps rx
Frauen: Liesa mit B: 17/19/21 reps mit 25Kg C:60 reps und D: 88 reps rx