A) Strength:
3 Runden:
8-10 Toes Elevated Romanian Deadlift
8-10 Reps/Side One Arm Row
8-10 Reps Z-Press
B) Conditioning:
500m Row
30 deficit Push Ups
750m Row
20 Hand Release Push Ups
1000m Row
10 Push Ups
Hyrox: Team of 2 / split as needed:
50 – 40 – 30 – 20 – 10
DB Power Snatch
DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
Start with & EMOM: 5 Synchronized Burpees
Team Workout:
24min AMRAP with Partner / split as needed:
24 Box Jump Over
24 Power Snatch
24 Overhead Squat
24 Knee To Elbow
24 cal. Bike
A) Strength & Skill:
Front Squats &
Pull Ups &
Double Unders
B) Conditioning:
a) 10min EMOM:
b) 30 – 25 – 20 – 15 – 10
Double Unders (Single Unders + attempts)
Sit Ups
10 Runden, 45sec on, 15sec off:
10-12 Wallballs, amrap weighted Sit Ups
10 Runden, 45sec on, 15sec off:
6-8 Burpees, amrap (weighted/+Medball) Jumping Lunges
10 Runden, 45sec on, 15sec off:
8-10 Russian KBSwings, amrap (weighted/KB Suitcase) Box Step Over