Tagestraining 20.06.2015


Teams of 3:
A. AMRAP 7 of Strict Press:
50 reps at 40/30kg
50 reps at 50/35kg
AMRAP at 60/40kg

3 min Rest

  1. AMRAP 7 of Front Rack Lunges:
    50 reps at 50/35kg
    50 reps at 60/40kg
    AMRAP at 70/45kg

3 min Rest

  1. AMRAP 7 of Push Press:
    50 reps at 60/40kg
    50 reps at 70/45kg
    AMRAP at 80/50kg

15 Toes to Bar
20 Cal Row
25 Wall Balls (9/6kg)


  1. A) EMOM 16: Odd: 5 Touch and Go Power Clean + 1 High Hang Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk / Even: 3 Strict deficit HSPU
  2. B) For 30 minutes (5 Intervals of each), alternating B1 and B2
    AMRAP 90 sec on : 90 sec off (before B2)
    3 Muscle ups
    10 Cal AirDyne

B2. AMRAP 90 sec on : 90 sec off (before B1)
10 Toes to bar
100m Run


TABATA: Odd – Chin over the bar hold / Even – Handstand Hold

4 Rounds: 1 Legless Rope Climb – 10 Deficit Push Ups

TABATA: Odd – Top of rings hold / Even – Bottom of ring dip hold

4 Rounds: 15 Sit Ups – 15 Hip Extension

TABATA: Odd – L-Sit / Even – Superman Hold

For Time: 75 Burpees



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