Tagestraining 04.06.2015


Stoßen WKÜ: 65% X 3reps , 70% X 3reps, 75% X 3reps. Alle 3 Minuten 1 Satz.
Warm-up Sätze: 1X5reps@40%, 1X5reps@45%, 1X5reps@50%.
Pause für Warm-up Sätze nach Gefühl. Bei nicht rundem Gewicht immer runter rechnen!


10 rounds of 90 Sec. work. 30 Sec. break.
Round 1: row 250 meters (women 200 meters), rest of the time do Burpees over the rower.
Round 2: 10 Dips and rest of the time do Toes to bar

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